Corporate Accountability Training: Suite of 3 Fascinating Games

Location: Indoor program
Group Size: Best for groups of 12-200.
Unique Feature: Modular and customizable
Duration: Varies from 1-2.5 hours (ask about duration for your specific event)

Having a hard time getting everyone in the office on the same page? Looking for a lively, dynamic program to jolt your team into a new way of understanding the individual’s role in contributing to the group’s success? Whether your team attended each other’s weddings or are still rusty at learning everyone’s names, we can help: try our Corporate Accountability Suite of games!

This on-site, indoor workshop comprises a selection of fascinating games that teach through play. We get at the heart of the foundational principles that make a workplace a functional organism and not a ghost town of silos.

Games in your program may include:

Marshmallow Challenge: A seemingly simple engineering competition with one big plouffy twist.

Duck Konundrum: This mind-bending puzzle type, developed at the MIT Mystery Hunt, will get even your team’s top room escape champs scratching their heads… unless they can work together to crack the case!

Human Treasure Hunt: Works great as an opening round ice breaker game, but not too touchy-feely.

Haggle: A clever and clandestine math game of negotiation and nullifying.

After each game, our facilitated debriefs drive home the benefits of exercising judgment and initiative when it comes to being accountable. Participants end up with a better understanding of how individual and group responsibility factor into the workplace. Plus, it’s so much fun they won’t realize they’re actually accomplishing something!

Think the Wise Guys team can bring some fun to your next team building event? Contact us today for a free quote!