
Location: Indoor program
Group size: Best for parties and groups of 30+
Unique feature: Opt-in mix-and-mingle puzzle game
Duration: 1+ hours

A game for those
Who wish to play
And test their eyes
And wits today…


This delightful, mix-and-mingle game is the perfect addition to any ice breaker, happy hour, or networking event. You’ll need to connect with other players to gather the information, decode the message, and solve the riddle. Players can win alone or in a group, and the fun goes viral as the game heats up.

It’s easy to get started: our Game Masters greet players at the check- in table or the door and give you a game card when you get your nametag (you are giving out nametags right? If not, we’ll provide). The intrigue begins as players seek to break the ice and crack the code.

This add-on game makes any social event more awesome.

Think the Wise Guys team can bring some fun to your next team building event? Contact us today for a free quote!